今日威讯, 最新消息


在一次的顾问之行,团队帮助一个少数族群检查他们的《马太福音》,期间他们正在翻译主祷文。经过一番努力后,他们终于觉得这段祷文听起来顺畅和准确。一位顾问要求当地的翻译员重读整篇祷文,并在过程中聆听自己的朗读。当翻译员读完后,团队看到她眼里带泪。她说 [….]

Our Stories (Eng), Wycliffe Today

From Heart Language to Heart Change 

During a consulting trip to help a minority group check their translation of Matthew, a team was working on the Lord’s Prayer. After some hard work, they felt that the text was smooth and accurate. The national translator was asked to read the whole prayer again, and this time, she was asked to listen to herself reading it. When the translator finished reading, the team could see tears in her eyes. She said [….]

Our Stories (Eng), Wycliffe Today

Giving Back to God 

Why do we, as Christians, shy away from asking for such patronage? Why is the exchanging of money between members of God’s house seen as such a fearful and cautious thing? Perhaps it is because we [….]



体验以对话的方式学习圣经! 内容:✅ 以对话的方式学习圣经💬 每周学习一个圣经记载,共3个记载💬 与其他学员练习复述圣经记载 ✅ 以耳听口传的方法学习和经历新事物💬 口语传播者(oral learner)的学习方式💬 透过简单提问一起发掘上帝话语的真理💬 发掘如何服事口语传播群体 ✅ 尝试以口述方式传福音给未信主的亲友 口头传播学习者如何“阅读“圣经?


Storying Fellowship Group 

Experience an interactive method of Bible study! Storying Fellowship Group (SFG) is like a Bible study group, where participants learn stories from the Bible. Participants will listen carefully to the stories to re-tell it accurately followed by a session of discussions with other participants to…


