今日威讯, 最新消息


2020年即将结束,也是一个非常难忘的一年。今年发生的事件将永久地在我们生活中留下印记。随着疫情在多个国家的持续蔓延 [….]

今日威讯, 最新消息


为了回应大使命,ABC 教会(施助者)担上将福音传给另一个文化群体(受惠者)的责任。事工以开办主日学 [….]

今日威讯, 最新消息


It is believed that two-thirds of our world’s population are oral learners[1]. Oral learners are not necessarily illiterate but are people who prefer to learn through oral form. This means that the majority of the people in our world today learn and communicate best through means that do not involve printed texts. Studies and research tell us that people learn better through [….]