Who We Are
William Cameron Townsend, who founded Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1942, believed everyone should have the Bible in their heart language so that the people can clearly understand the Word of God. Having caught this vision, Wycliffe Malaysia was incorporated in 1996 as a limited company to continue this important work of transforming lives through the understanding of God’s word.
There are more than 136 people groups in our country and many still do not have the Word of God in their heart language. We desire to see each and every people group in Malaysia to be able to know God through His Word in the language they understand best by partnering with Malaysian churches in running translation projects.
As there are over 7,000 languages in the world, we desire the same for people groups all over the world, we therefore also partner with organizations in other countries by sending Malaysians to serve the people groups

Translating God’s Word, Transforming Lives.

We partner with the church to make disciples by translating God’s Word into the language they understand best, that their lives may be transformed.
We live and serve to God’s glory
so that people of all nations might
know and glorify Him.
We follow Christ’s example in
who we are and what we do.
We affirm that engaging with
the translated Word leads to the
transformation of lives.
We believe that the Church is central
to God’s mission to reconcile all of
creation to Himself. We believe that
the Church is called and equipped
to disciple the nations with His Word.
We depend on God and His
sufficiency to equip and sustain
us. We are committed to prayer
as it is the fiber that runs
through all that we do.
We strive to build trusting
relationships and healthy
partnerships. We are committed
to serving collaboratively with
humility, and with a spirit of interdependence.