Author: Steve Fortosis
Reviewed by: Wong Wei Jin

Anyone who is not familiar with what Wycliffe Bible Translators do should read this book. As Christians, we sometimes forget what is happening outside our own world of influence. That includes the wider missionary movement. We forget too that the Bible we have is a product of many years of study and work and we are very fortunate to have it in a language that we understand. There are many who do not have the same opportunity.
“The multilingual God” is a book for all and particularly, for those who are interested to know more about the exciting and privileged work of Bible translation. If the title of the book hasn’t already caught your attention, the stories in it will definitely do that. You will read stories of how God is calling His children to bring the Gospel story to the ends of the earth. There are stories about how various individuals, called by God, move from the comforts of their own homes to live in remote places of the world, which can sometimes be challenging. They do that to learn a whole new language and culture with the aim then of translating the Bible to the local language. It will humble and challenge you. You will be challenged again by the urgency of bringing the gospel story to the many different people groups and that God loves each one of them.
I have a new found respect for people whom God calls to the work of Bible translating. The hours are long and the efforts may not be rewarded in one’s lifetime but would only be known in eternity. I also have a bigger picture of the world and the many of us that is part of it. We all have our own language and culture and to know that God loves each one of us the same and speaks to us intimately through His Word is a humbling thought. I hope that you too will be encouraged and your vision renewed and that you will be challenged to see how you can play a part, big or small in this great and wonderful work. This work is also the responsibility of the wider body of God, the Church in making disciples of ALL nations.
A recommended read for all who loves the Word of God.