Our Stories (Eng), Wycliffe Today

How can we better communicate the Scriptures to oral learners? 

In mid-January 2024, Wycliffe Malaysia conducted a two hour oral Scripture storying mini workshop on Logos Presbyterian Church’s invitation. The workshop was conducted for members of the church comprising Sunday School teachers and those involved in short-term mission trips with other language communities. During the workshop, participants experienced a Storying Fellowship Group (SFG), before having a time of debrief and Q&A. 

Our Stories (Eng), Testimonies from the Field, Wycliffe Today

Two Exciting Developments for the Semelai Community 

It is said that film brings Jesus’ story to life like no other medium can. And a film in the heart language of the people does even more. It is not just the end-product that will bring to life the story of Jesus but also the entire process of getting it done by people of their own community. It is something that has never been done before, the first of its kind for the Semelai Community. It takes a higher hand to make this a reality for them. Ordinary people doing an extraordinary task because they know the extraordinary God. Only He can prepare the way and call the right people to come and work together.

Our Stories (Eng), Wycliffe Today

Christmas: Celebrating Our Hope in Jesus 

Time flies and very soon we will be welcoming another year. As I reflect on the past months of 2023, I am overflowing with gratitude and thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus Christ for being who He claims to be…… faithful and just, a promise keeping God. While 2023 has not been the easiest year for me, it has also been a very….

Our Stories (Eng), Wycliffe Today

From Heart Language to Heart Change 

During a consulting trip to help a minority group check their translation of Matthew, a team was working on the Lord’s Prayer. After some hard work, they felt that the text was smooth and accurate. The national translator was asked to read the whole prayer again, and this time, she was asked to listen to herself reading it. When the translator finished reading, the team could see tears in her eyes. She said [….]

Our Stories (Eng), Wycliffe Today

Giving Back to God 

Why do we, as Christians, shy away from asking for such patronage? Why is the exchanging of money between members of God’s house seen as such a fearful and cautious thing? Perhaps it is because we [….]