by Amy Ting
I grew up in a church-going family, which meant I heard the gospel from a young age. At that time, it did not mean much to me, except that I had to wake up early to go to Sunday School. I thought pleasing God was very much like pleasing an earthly Asian father. He was someone to be feared and respected, and I had to do a list of things in order to earn His approval, or suffer His wrath if I did not comply. My faith was challenged when I went to the US at the age of 18 years old and encountered Christians from a culture very different from mine. We read the same Bible, yet lived such different lives. In fact, it did not seem like we worship the same God at all – was my life all a lie? I realized I did not really know God after all, what I knew was based on tradition and blind faith. I was in a state of despair for a few months.
By God’s grace, He did not give up on me. I started digging deeper into His Word, and I finally understood that God accepts me not because of what I have done, but because of what Jesus has done for me. He died on the cross for our sins, but He did not stay dead – He resurrected again as King! I no longer had to work so hard to gain His approval. My life turned around as I repented and gradually grew in my faith and understanding of God through His Word.

My first exposure to cross-cultural missions was when my dad took my sister and me on a mission trip organized by my church to the longhouses in Betong, Sarawak. At that time, I was young and adventurous, and I was unfazed by the thought of having to bathe in the river wearing a “sarong”. I was really encouraged to meet the local Ibans who became Christians. Thanks to some faithful gospel workers, they even have the Bible in their own local language! That caused the Iban churches to flourish and grow. Hearing my Iban brothers and sisters in Christ praise our Almighty God deeply touched me. Since Scripture is how God speaks to us, it makes sense that everyone should have access to the bible in their own heart language.

It filled me with so much joy, and I hoped I would one day be a part of God’s mission in the world to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that Jesus has commanded us (Matt 28:19-20). Even though God had planted in me a desire for cross-cultural missions, I was not ready, nor was I equipped. I told God, if He would use me one day, I would be willing, but only if He promised to be with me to lead the way!
After a 2 year ministry internship program with my church, I have finally joined Wycliffe in March 2021 by faith with much ‘fear and trembling’. As I move forward, please do pray that God would accomplish His purposes in and through me, that my desire for His glory would be greater than my desire for comfort. But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. (2 Cor 4:7)
Amy is looking forward to be trained to work with the Sign Language team.