By Rev. Leung
This year, 2019, marks the 100th year of the publication of the Chinese Union Version (CUV). Wycliffe Malaysia also marks the 25th anniversary of their organization. Thus, it’s a ‘Double Happiness’ (双喜临门).
Through the centuries, many missionaries came to China and other places where Chinese communities settled. They all value the significance of the written Word of God (Bible) in missionary works. We are grateful for the missionary forerunners who demonstrated this message in words and deeds. The local church can only grow on the foundation of biblical teaching. The endeavour of translating the Bible into a local dialect and language sends a very clear message that the Bible, the Word of God, is vital to the strong foundation of the local church. Believers need to study the Bible and live accordingly. CUV also contributed to the increased literacy rate of China in that period of time. When Chinese Christians gather together, they use the same key terms base on the CUV. That enhanced the unity in Christ.
When we are offering our thanksgiving to the Triune God, we need to ask, ‘What have we inherited? What have we learned, and what should we do?’
First, to have the Bible is very different from reading it. The missionary forerunners worked out the best strategy so that believers may have access to the Bible in their own language. Thus, as they shared the Good News, planted churches, they also translated the Bible into the main dialects and common Chinese so that believers may grow with a firm biblical base.
Secondly, inherit the good example of collaboration. In the translation work of the Chinese Bible, we actually experienced the beautiful witness of unity in Christ for a general task for the Kingdom of God.
Thirdly, present technology advancement brings translation works to a new stage.We applaud Wycliffe’s Orality and storying as new aspects of bringing the Good News of Jesus to people’s heart.
Fourthly, engage the local believers to play an important role in translation. . Many local Christians have high level of education. They could contribute to Bible translation projects with missionaries.
Finally, on one hand, the Chinese Churches are very grateful for the blessing from God through His missionary servants. On the other hand, the local Church also need to inherit the mission of making disciples as charged by Jesus.
Make sure there are people sent, and the message is heard.
Glory be to God in the Highest!