Loi Yaw Choo

I first heard God’s calling during Camp Wycliffe in 2004 and responded to the calling. I then resigned from my job as a School Principal in 2006 and subsequently joined Wycliffe Malaysia as a member in 2007, doing Church Engagement. During my eight years of serving in Wycliffe, my health was greatly affected and I developed frequent chest pains and relapse of thyroid and asthma. I realized that I needed to take a break to rest, as my health was deteriorating and I had to resign from Wycliffe in 2014.
My health has since then improved. I do not have chest pain anymore. My thyroid and asthma are also now under control. Praise the Lord!
In May 2020, Lay Leng, the Executive Director of Wycliffe Malaysia contacted me. She told me there is a new position as a Fundraiser in Wycliffe Malaysia and she hoped that I can fill this position. It seemed an impossible task to me, especially during this pandemic. As I prayed and sought the Lord, I felt the Lord telling that what is impossible for man, is possible for Him. I was greatly encouraged by His Word and began to pray for His Will to be done. I applied to re-join Wycliffe as a member and the board has accepted my membership with Wycliffe.
I am praying for God’s guidance and wisdom for this new assignment as I do not know what is ahead of me. However, I am willing to serve in this ministry and I look forward to witness God doing great things in my life again.
Uchat Tusau

I live in Miri, Sarawak. My wife, Salina and I have five children, two boys, Adriel and Netaneel Sigau and three girls, Kezia Awing, Abigail and Yohana Asong.
I am grateful to be serving in Wycliffe Malaysia as a translator for the Kenyah translation project. The Kenyah New Testament was completed in 1978 and we are now working to complete the Old Testament. I am thankful to God that Wycliffe Malaysia is willing to partner with Kenyah churches to work towards the goal of finishing the translation of the Kenyah Old Testament. We are praying for God’s guidance and provision, as we face many challenges in our work. My family and I, wish you a Blessed Christmas.