I became a Christian eighteen years ago. At that time, I had two young children and was working as a secretary in a company. After that, I changed jobs several times, including working in my husband’s company, and five years ago I started working as a clerk in my church. About fifteen years ago, while I was on several short-term missionary trips, I felt a missionary feeling in my heart. During those days, I participated in short-term mission trips to the Penan longhouses in rural Sarawak, and also in overseas shortterm mission trips to Myanmar, Indonesia, and China. Each trip was not long; some lasted for a few days, and the longest lasted a week. I was mainly responsible for the Sunday school ministry in those mission trips and taught children in different languages, whether it was English, Malay, Chinese, or even Hakka! I truly feel like the Lord has given me the gift of serving in children ministry.
One night I had a dream. In the dream, I was surrounded by children of all nationalities and language groups. My memory of that dream is as clear today as it was fifteen years ago. My heart always been touched by missionary work. However, I was unable to dedicate myself to long-term missionary work at that time because my children were still in school and I had family commitments. However, the burden of missionary work never left me. The more times I participated in short-term missions, the heavier the burden became. After the epidemic in 2022, I was called to take charge of the Orang Asli ministry of my church. God used the ministry to equip me and gave me confidence and ability, and I started local missionary work. The journey had not been without its share of trials. I had encountered personal problems and temptations that Satan had set in my life. Thank God! By His grace, I overcame these difficulties.
“I believe that God’s word can change people’s lives, and I am a witness to that change in my own life.”
Fifteen years have passed quickly, the children have grown up, and I have entered the second half of my life! Unexpectedly, I resigned in March this year and I felt lost and confused. During that time, I went to Murud for retreat to seek God’s guidance and direction. On the way up the mountain, God answered me in the form of an illustration. My life was like this climbing trek, and all I could see in front of me are towering woods, rocks and sheer walls and rivers.
The next day I continued climbing towards the mountain. I came to the forest again. When I reached the summit, I knew clearly that I reached the top not by my own will or ability, but by the Lord’s guidance, protection, and grace. In the past, I walked in front of God, planning my steps, and God followed behind. This experience taught me that I should walk behind God, that I need to trust and obey Him completely, and let God be God! The Lord said to me, “All you need to do is follow me step by step, and I will prepare the road ahead for you.”
The same week I returned to Miri, a missionary friend contacted me for lunch. This is rare for me as she doesn’t come to Miri very often. It was during lunch that she showed her concern for me; upon knowing that I had resigned, she asked me if I would try to try being a Wycliffe Mobiliser in Sarawak as they had been praying for many years for someone to fill this position.
After thinking about it, three things stood out to me:
- This was exactly how long I needed to wait for my children to grow up so I could serve full time.
- I can serve locally so I can still be with my husband and children.
- Malaysia Wycliffe had been praying for many years, and similarly, God had equipped me for more than ten years.
Just when I heard God’s calling, this opportunity was presented to me. I told her, “The Lord wants me to follow Him step by step. If it is His guidance, He will prepare the way for me.”
Soon I was scheduled to meet with another Wycliffe mobiliser. It happened that she was running a camp in Sarawak. As we talked, I realised the Lord has given me gifts and has equipped me over the past eighteen years to make me fit for this position. I feel and know that God’s hand is at work in me and that He has orchestrated it so that I will obey Him. Looking back, I dedicated my life to missionary work fifteen years ago, and He has been faithful to lead me to where I am today!
“I believe that God’s word can change people’s lives, and I am a witness to that change in my own life.”