The Multilingual God

Author: Steve Fortosis Reviewed by: Wong Wei Jin Anyone who is not familiar with what Wycliffe Bible Translators do should read this book. As Christians, we sometimes forget what is happening outside our own world of influence. That includes the wider missionary movement. We forget…

Longhouses Open Doors

Author: Ray Cunningham Reviewed by: Kelvin Ong “Is Jesus your Lord, Master and Saviour?”How much of our personal ambitions are we willing to let go and allow God to take full control of our lives? These questions capture the essence of our Christian faith. “Longhouses…

And The Word Came With Power

Author: Joanne Shetler Reviewed by: Kelvin Ong They say that God works in mysterious ways. After WW II has ended, God miraculously sent two young American girls; Joanne Shetler and Anne Fetzer to a remote tribal village in the island of Mindanao, Philippines to translate…

Our Stories (ENG), Wycliffe Today

God Speaks Semelai!

Come and celebrate with us!We are celebrating the completion of Mark Gospel in Semelai! So, on the 15th of January 2022, seven of us from Wycliffe travelled to Temerloh to celebrate together with the Semelai brethren and the church at Temerloh Gospel Chapel. We were…

Chia Sheng
Our Stories (ENG), Wycliffe Today

Volunteering at Wycliffe

This journey has deepened my understanding on how Bible translation plays a huge role in evangelism. It touches the hearts of people most, when they read the Word in their mother tongue. Throughout these 9 months, I also thank God for the opportunity to know more about Wycliffe’s missionaries and their ministries. Although most of the time I was working from home due to the COVID-19 lockdown, I am still thankful for being able to spend my time meaningfully before I start my under-graduate study.