Working in Partnership
None of us ever thought that we would be involved in translation work, what more Bible translation, and even more unthinkable, that we would be involved in translating the Word of God into Hokkien [….]
The beginning of Oral Bible Storying – Sunrise Cluster
I remember a quote that says, ‘Change begins at the end of your comfort zone’. For many years, Wycliffe Malaysia recruited and sent missionaries out to different parts of the world to do Bible translation and ministries associated with it. However [….]
Missio Dei and Us
The Latin phrase missio Dei literally means, ‘the sending of God’. It does sound quite odd, but the definition of ‘mission’ in the Cambridge Dictionary is ‘the action of sending someone to a place to do a particular job, especially one for a government or religious organization, or the job the person has been sent to do’ [….]
Call to Mission
I grew up in a church-going family, which meant I heard the gospel from a young age. At that time, it did not mean much to me, except that [….]
Meet Our Newest Members
I first heard God’s calling during Camp Wycliffe in 2004 and responded to the calling. I then resigned from my job as a School Principal in 2006 and subsequently [….]
Mission in the Year of the Pandemic
As 2020 draws to a close, it will truly be an unforgettable year for all of us. The events of this year will leave a permanent mark in our lives [….]
Participatory Approach
We are in many kinds of working relationships at work, in church, and even at home, but we often do tasks without much participation from others at different levels. Occasionally [….]
Editorial from Executive Director
CUV 100th Year and Wycliffe Malaysia 25th Anniversary
By Rev. Leung This year, 2019, marks the 100th year of the publication of the Chinese Union Version (CUV). Wycliffe Malaysia also marks the 25th anniversary of their organization. Thus, it’s a ‘Double Happiness’ (双喜临门). Through the centuries, many missionaries came to China and other…
Journey of Faith in Bible Translation Mission
By Sharen Around nineteen years old, I was led to Christ and experienced His deliverance. In my final year of university, I received the Lord’s calling to join His mission to the unreached people. After working in the secular world for a few years, I…