Our Stories (ENG), Wycliffe Today

What Literacy is

“I have learnt that literacy programs are not only to help learners to read and write per se. But, more importantly to give them opportunities to build up self-confidence, thinking skills and be creative. After all, many of the communities we work with do not…

Our Stories (ENG)

An Introduction to Orality & Bible Storying

It is believed that two-thirds of our world’s population are oral learners[1]. Oral learners are not necessarily illiterate but are people who prefer to learn through oral form. This means that the majority of the people in our world today learn and communicate best through means that do not involve printed texts. Studies and research tell us that people learn better through [….]

Our Stories (ENG), Wycliffe Today

What is Scripture Engagement

One difficulty which most Christians face is how to study and interact with the Bible. Often, Bible translators face a situation whereby a new Bible translation has been completed and launched but few of the native speakers of the language Bible use this new Bible….

Our Stories (ENG), Wycliffe Today

Let’s Go!

Having a heart for missions, Jack serves as a volunteer with Wycliffe Malaysia. In 2016, while searching for a new direction in his life, Jack took a step of faith and initiated a short-term mission to Long San, Baram, Sarawak together with Eunice Tan, a…